Monday, March 9, 2020

Common Mistakes That Whitewater Rafters Make

Whitewater rafting is a fun adventure sport that people living in the U.S. should try once in their life. It is an exciting (and pretty wet!) activity that can be enjoyed by each and everyone—whether they are 8 or 80!

The experience can be tailored to suit different skill and age levels. However, while engaging in whitewater rafting in the American River, many commit a lot of rookie mistakes that can be a dampen the entire experience. We have mentioned some of them in this blog so that you don’t end up on the same road!

Mistake #1: Turning up in the wrong attire

Many people who want to try out whitewater rafting turn up in casuals, all geared up for the exciting day ahead. But that’s a big no-no! The same goes for sandals as they might slip right off.

Instead, opt for wetsuits or a pair of trunks that are suited to the activity. Also, don’t forget to carry a pair of your favorite sunglasses to shield your eyes from the sun!

Mistake #2: Not listening to the guide

Not paying attention to what the guide says can have some serious repercussions for you and as well as jeopardize the safety of those riding along.

In their excitement to tame the rapids while whitewater rafting in California, many people fail to pay heed to the guide’s instructions and end up falling out or endangering the safety of others. While the guide is always prepared for such emergency situations, go the extra length to ensure that you obey what they say. After all, they are certified and have years of experience in the same.

Mistake #3: Not drinking enough water

While having water all around you, staying hydrating might actually be the last thing on your mind. But, with the sun straight above, your throat might get parched and you might start feeling nauseous as soon as you start working with the paddles.

To avoid this, drink water every now and then and as others to drink up as well!

Now that you have these tips to guide you along the way, go grab your paddles and try whitewater rafting in the American river!

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