Thursday, October 10, 2019

Packing Essentials Before A River Trip To California

Your rafting essentials may be enough to ensure a smooth river trip, but adding a Sarong (a thin, lightweight piece of garment) to your bag can save your excitement for a whitewater rafting trip in the American River from turning into a disappointment. How, you may ask? To help you know how this simple piece of fabric can be a game-changer, we have pulled together a few things to consider:

Cooling Tool

You probably aren’t aware of this but many survivalists such as Bear Grylls use a sarong to keep themselves cool during brutally hot days. Just dip it in water and drape it over your shoulder, legs, head, or any body part that’s under fire. The soaked cotton will keep you cool for longer than you imagine during whitewater rafting in California.

Sun Protection

California’s weather can be scorching hot and the sun may cause skin burn as you hike or paddle through the waves. But you can use a sarong to cover your body parts and provide your skin with much-needed relief from the sun. 

Rapid-Dry Towel

When you plan a river trip in California, river baths are inevitable. While it’s best to bring a bath towel, it can take hours to dry off. This is where a sarong comes in handy as it dries off quickly, enabling you to take a much-needed bath even when your regular towel is wet. 

Final Thoughts

Planning a whitewater rafting trip in the American River is only good when you come prepared and if you add a sarong to your packing list, the better. 

For more tips on whitewater rafting in California, consider browsing

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