Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Spotting Wine Flaws like a Pro

When wine tasting is your favorite past time, it’s common to come across bad bottles at times. Even if you’re new to the world of wine, spotting a bad taste isn’t difficult. With little patience and practice, you’ll naturally become a pro at spotting flaws.

Here, we have listed some of the common flaws to look out for.

Cork Taint

By the name, you must have guessed that cork is the culprit for making the wine taste bad. It’s one of the most common wine faults that happens due to the presence of 2,4,6-trichloroanisole (TCA) in wine, which is typically transferred from the cork. Corked wine is easy to deduct because of its moldy smell.


Wine becomes cooked when it’s overheated. Just like an over-brewed tea, overcooked wine has a stewed taste. This happens when the wine is stored at a high temperature. For the same reason, you’re suggested not to let the wine site without its container.


Oxidation happens a lot during the winemaking process. Due to the presence of too much oxygen, the chemical balance in the wine weakens and the wine becomes flat, dull or bitter.


Opposite to oxidation is a reduction that happens when a wine does not receive oxygen, insufficient amount, during the aging process. This is easily deducted as wine smells like burnt rubber or rotten eggs.

During the winemaking, sulfur is commonly added to keep bacteria at bay. Also, this helps in preventing oxidation. Though sulfur goes unnoticed, sometimes the wine smells like asparagus. 


Refermenting occurs when the wine begins fermenting again. This happens due to the presence of yeast and sugar in the bottle. Ultimately, this creates mild bubbles and results in an unpleasant taste.
Using these tips you’ll be able to spot wine flaws (if any) on your next visit to Fair Play wineries events. This way, you’ll take home what’s good and eliminate what’s not.

3 Things to Do While Hiking on Enriching Trails Near Lake Tahoe

No matter which trail you plan to hike, whether it’s a family hiking trail near South Lake Tahoe or the mesmerizing Folsom Point in Folsom, you have to be well prepared while hiking to ensure a good time with family or friends. Failure to do you can put you and those with you at real risk, which hiking carries naturally even for experienced hikers. 

If you are planning a hiking trip in El Dorado Hills, do these three things to minimize your odds of encountering the unexpected:

Pack the 10 Essentials

The 10 Essentials list comprises emergency provisions to enable hikers and outdoor enthusiasts to effectively respond to the most common wilderness emergencies and spend at least a night outdoors. The list includes:

● A first aid kit

● Navigation assistance such as a map, compass, and GPS

● Sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat for sun protection

● Jacket/raincoat and extra layers for cold weather

● Flashlight, lantern, or headlamp

● Matches, lighter, fire starters or a flintstone knife to ignite a fire

● A repair kit that includes duct tape and multifunctional tool

● At least two day’s supply of ready-to-eat, nutritious food

● Water and/or items to purify water

● Emergency shelter including tent, sleeping bag, sleeping mattress, and others 

Carry hiking boots and socks

No doubt hiking on enriching trails near Lake Tahoe is invigorating but it has some risks such as slips and foot & ankle injuries. On top of that, if you embark on a hiking trip during monsoon, the chances of leech bites are extremely high. To minimize injuries and leech bites, buy quality hiking boots for good cushioning and grip, and socks that prevent leech bites. 

Don’t throw leftovers

When you are on a family hiking trail near South Lake Tahoe, you are just a guest in a wilderness that is home to a variety of wild animals, including bears, tigers, leopards, and many others. When you leave food or leftovers near your campsite, you may invite wild animals to your camp, which may even attack you or those with you. To avoid jeopardizing your hiking trip, it’s advisable to store your food properly while hiking. 

Final Note 

It is only when you are well prepared for a hiking trip are you able to enjoy it and come out as a different person. For more information about hiking trails in El Dorado, visit